Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bowling for columbine Part 2 (TEEHEE)

The camera then shows a bank and Michael Moore in it. He opens a bank account, which would give him a free gun with it. He asks many sarcastic questions throughout the entire scene. The people walking in the background and the non-diegetic sounds, such as the phone ringing and the peoples footsteps, of this shot just prove that this shot is as real as it gets. That this all actually happened at the spot, that there was no script behind the words either of them said. This makes people think, that since this is a real life situation it could happen anywhere, and this helps a documentary teach people about others mistakes. At the end of the scene, before he leaves the bank he ends the dialogue with the question “do you think it’s a little dangerous handing out guns in a bank?” From the tone of his voice and the way the line was spoken you could tell this was his thesis point or a set for the mood. Right after he says this, triumphant music plays, my first thought is that he’s happy, simply cause he’s just got the first of what I thought was one of his “money shots” and also he won his argument and was able to tell the audience that he was for gun-control with that one line and within the first 5 minutes of the show without using actually saying those words. To support my point, when he walks out, he waves the gun proudly. 

1 comment:

Elissa Rosati said...

i like the stuff on teh directors, but i think you can go further in your analysis
looking forward to the 'rest' of your blog